Hello, my names Bruce and im a running podcast addict. Does that make me a poddict? I just stated using a MP3 player this past summer. I started with music. I would and still never take it when IM running with some one else. That would be rude. Then I started to listen to an occasionaly podcast. I had read about Steve Runner and Phedippidations. I liked it and qickly started to look for more. Now I have about 15 podcasts im listening to. Or trying too. A few im trying to listen to past episodes, sometimes while just sitting at computer. I save new episodes for on the run. Its hard to fit in back podcasts while keeping up with the current ones while running without upping my mileage a bunch.
The last month or so its gotten worse. I even considered making my own but have 2 major obstacles. First I dont have the needed epuipment. Second I have a lousy speaking voice. I sound much better on blogspot. I even considered starting a second blog to rate them and maybe give out unofficail unsponsored virtual awards. I thought I would call them the PRE awards, Podcast for Running Entertainment.
But for now I will give a review of the ones I like to listen too. I am willing to try any podcasts someone might reccomend. If you've never given them a try you might like them. I know they're not for everyone but many of them make you feel like your running with a friend. In no particular order....
Trilogy runningJust some good ole boys.... Shawn and Jason are 2 brothers living in Georgia and training for a marathon. You can tell they love to podcast and to run. They are the type of guys I like to run with, just having fun while the time goes bye. After I started listening to them they quickly became a favorite.
AmilewithmeI only heard this one once and think I need to give it another chance. The english accent takes a little to get used to.
Confessions of a runnerThis one is deceased. Not the runner just the podcast. Jodi has decided to stop her podcast after finishing a marathon. Maybe some day she will start another.
Dump Runners ClubNot enough in put to make a opinion. Seems to know what he's talking about.
Early Morning RunnerThis one stars Denise from Ohio. A good knoweldgable runner with a good running history. But I got 2 problems with it. First its too short. I have to put another podcast on to finish run. Secondly in a way I find it sad cause he is training to run Boston marathon then his running career is over. I just find that sad.
Kelownagurl trisA Canadian lady who training for triathlons. funny at times but the tri training parts really dont interest me.
The Runners RoundtableA great idea. My favorite podcasters getting together in one podcast. Brillant!
Running from the ReaperAnother English man. I need to give it a listen.
Runnign From...What is she running from?
Running in the center for the UniverseAshland Dave puts on a good podcast. He usually keeps me enteretained.
Running StupidI like Coach Ken and his Kazoo. Unfortunately I cannt take it on my runs. He puts it out in MP4 format and my MP3 player only plays MP3's. But I do get weird looks from my wife when I blast the kazoo over the comptuer speakers.
RunRun Live 2.0This is one of my favorites. A good fun podcast. I love his style and the interviews are interesting.
Ultradad PodcastAfter hearing it mentioned in other podcasts I like I finally listended to his 2 latest and liked them. Him and wife in costco was hilarous.
4feetrunningA great podcast put out by a married couple runnign together. Biggest problem is its only biweekly. Guess they have lives besides podcasting.
PhedippidationsSteve Runner was who got me started on podcasts. Almost always interesting, funny at times. Love the skits. John Michael his son is great.