Friday, January 8, 2010


BHAG is Big Hairy Audicous Goal. I was listening to a podcast, Dirty Dawgs Running and he talked about having a BHAG. I liked the idea of setting a big goal for the year since I had been feeling a little unmotivated. And this is even after signing up for the Cleveland marathon. Had to get the early bird price.

So I considered a BHAG for me and came up with 2 marathons, one of them in 4:15. Or both. Now, first ones already decided it's Cleveland. Trying to come up with a second one this year. I always like the idea of running all the Ohio marathons and Columbus is a good possiblity. I think I have a place to stay there.

So started to consider the different possiblitys and without limiting myself to one state. But in being honest with my finicial abilities knew it would have to be one thats drivable without more then 2 nights away. Dont have much vacation time or hotel funds currently. The training to gt to 4:15 is an entirely different issue.

A couple of other ideas I was tossing around were doing an ultra and running 50 races in a year. Both are doable, the 50 races in a year would mean finding the right races to fit my work schedule.

So any one got any ideas for my BHAG? Any suggestions for a second marathon this year? Any reasonable idea will be considered.............


ShutUpandRun said...

Wow, 50 races in a year????? How will you find 50 to do? Either that or the ultra would be amazing. Although the ultra would be cheaper.

Ashland Dave said...

I recommend running an ultra! Even though most true ultra runners think a 50 miler is the low end of an ultra, there are 50k and 40 mile events. I don't know how close you are to West. Va. but theey is something there called the Shyland 40 or something like that.

Running a 50k event is neat because the 26.2 mile mark becomes insignificant, just for a day.

Ashland Dave