Friday, September 25, 2009

This week

This week didnt go has planned. After realizing I had the date wrong for my race this Sunday. which means I most likely will be doing 2 races in 2 weeks. The Peace Race 2009 10K is next Sunday. So I wasnt sure how to prepare for this. I had mini tapered last week and so I decided to just go out and run, since I would like to have a good race at the Peace Race. The 15K Im running Sunday is almost sure to be a PR. How can I be I so confident? Is it my first 15K? Nope, but the only other one I did was in December during a blizzard in the dark. Confessions of a race addict: Dark Park Pursiut 15K Adventure Run#links

THis weeks running started off good. Decided to make Monday a rest day, then Tuesday had a good hard 6 mile hill run. Then things got worse. Later that evening just started feeling blah. Blah. Had a sore stratchy throat. Body aches and just no energy. So I took some nyquil to try and knock it out of me. Woke up Wednesday feeling sluggish, almost hung over. Canceled my run. Thursday felt about the same but tryed to run. Cut it short, did 3 miles. Been long time since I went out and did an easy 3 mile run. But started to feel little better, no speed demon but got in 7.6 miles today. Feeling almost back to normal.

No plans to cancel the race Sunday, after running last years Turkey Trot having coughing fits im sure a stratchy thtoat wont keep me from showing up. Its one of the advantage of being a mid pack race addict. You know theres always another race coming up if you dont do well. And most people dont know if you did well or not.

Speaking of the Turkey Trot Monday Im starting to do a 8 and half week training plan for it so I can get a good time for it. Im adopting a 10K training plan from Bob Glovers book The Competitive Runers Handbook.


ShutUpandRun said...

Good luck with that PR. Anything has got to be better than running in the snow and the dark, right?

Julie @ ROJ Running said...

So true about the mid pack logic. A few minutes difference doesn't really show up on the paperwork but you know it. Sometimes I think the disadvantage is that sometimes we tend to not take a race AS seriously because there is that next one around the corner or for me, I forget to live in the moment and enjoy what's happening because I'm already thinking of what's next. Anyway, drink water and sleep it's amazing what your body will fix for you